
Grant for Social Relief of Distress
The Social Relief of Distress Grant (SRD Grant) is implemented with the Minister of Finance’s approval in accordance with app-section 32 of the Social Assistance Act, 2004 (Act No. 13 of 2004).

The Social Relief of Distress Grant (SRD Grant) is intended for South African citizens, refugees, asylum seekers, and special permit holders who are 18 to 60 years old, have insufficient means, do not receive social grants on their own behalf, are not eligible for or do not contribute to the UIF payment, and have no other financial support.

The following details must be confirmed by applicants or their representative in order for SASSA to examine their application.
Verification of their acceptance of the Declaration and Consent Documents’ provisions after reading them.
Personal Information
cellular (cell) phone number
Information about jobs, a sustainable lifestyle, and banking services
Important information
Please be aware that all information will be delivered electronically; no documentation needs to be uploaded. Please make sure you give SASSA a mobile contact (cell phone number) where we may reach you to let you know how your application is doing. On this page, you may also check the status of your application.

If SASSA rejects your application, you have the option to file an appeal with the Department of Social Development for each month that your application was rejected. When your application is rejected, you will receive information on how to file an appeal. Every month that the application is turned down without an appeal request will result in the original decision being upheld.

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