One of the biggest concerns among R350 grant applicants is having their application declined by the South African Social Social Security Agency. Fortunately for them, Sassa has a new appeals application process, run by an Independent Tribunal to ensure that they get a fair chance to benefit from the grant if they qualify for it. Here is how it is carried out.
he South African Social Security Agency (Sassa) is calling on all Social Relief of Distress grant applicants who have had their grant applications rejected to lodge their application appeal. The and applicants can do so using the method detailed below.
As announced by Sassa earlier this month, an Independent tribunal will take over the appeal for reconsideration applications process for the current cycle of the R350 grant. For those looking to submit their appeal, Sassa has introduced the following website: which has been active since Monday 27 June.
System is intended to accommodate only for R350 grant applicants in accordance with its related law through which a new act was introduced. Meaning it’s for appeals from April 2022 period and onwards.
Applicants must appeal again using the new SRD website, even if they have already submitted an appeal using the older SRD website.
Additionally, Sassa strongly advises applicants to appeal their application for every month on which it was declined. Sassa will then assess all other appeals for months before April 2022 and hopes to finalise all applications by August.
The Sassa SRD website mentioned above is the only place where applicants can submit their R350 grant appeal. Because the Independent Tribunal already had information from Sassa applicants, its integration of processes with Sassa’s led to a minimal appeals process.
Thus, due to this, should applicants experience any hurdles in submitting their appeals, the Independent Tribunal will then investigate and see if Sassa made any mistakes in evaluating applications and identifying potential factors that contributed to its denial.
Sassa is no longer involved with the appeals process as the Independent Tribunal is independent to them.
How To Submit R350 Grant Appeal Under New Rules:
- Visit
- Click on the green bar that says ‘click here to lodge an appeal or check appeal status’
- Enter your ID number
- Enter your cellphone number
- Click ‘send pin’ and wait for the SMS which will contain the verification pin
- Enter the pin and click ‘submit’
- Select the month you are submitting an appeal for
- Select the drop down arrow and choose the reason for your appeal
- Click ‘submit’
Although it is recommended that appeals be lodged within the first 30 days of receiving declined status, they must be submitted within 90 days. After this, applicants will be informed if their appeal was successful or unsuccessful